Having a baby has been a blessing. Don't get me wrong, I am entirely grateful for this blessing.
But let's be honest, first time mums just know... it's insane!
In every amazing way. It's indescribable and my writing will never do it justice, so I won't even bother trying.
In every amazing way. It's indescribable and my writing will never do it justice, so I won't even bother trying.
Essentially, from the moment this innocent being is placed in your arms you just want to forever protect it, and keep the 'gift' warm, safe and fed... then within a few blinks of the eye (which is actually a matter of double figure months) you find yourself pondering the real 'meaning of life', accepting the immense responsibility you have been given of "raising the next generation" and you start understanding the depth of this new role you have been blessed with. WOW.
I've not been on YouTube googling 'how to create the perfect winged liner' in MONTHS. Mainly because I don't have the time to search it let alone apply the liner but really, I've been researching new things that may help my parenting skills.
Ok so I am bit early with the research right, she is still so little, but hey, since having to pack a changing bag... you can never be too prepared.
My top 4 websites for Muslim parents so far has to be:
Ibraheem Toy House (online store)
I've been watching this start up from the beginning, I think Ibraheem is actually a similar age as my little one. Besides that point, I genuinely love what they are trying to achieve. They are making islamic toys and books more accessible. Helping our "little muslims" learn more about our faith in a fun and interactive selection of toys and books which they have sourced. Not to mention the cute, colourful prayer mat!
READ Little Muslims (online store)
This online book store, based in Australia, is a perfect source of a range of books suitable for little muslim kids. And with reading being featured at some point in your child's daily routine, it's a great opportunity to teach them something new. I mean seriously, why weren't these companies around for us when we were kids?
Muslimommy (blog)
This list wouldn't be complete without featuring a blog right. I am sure there are many out there, I've come across a few, but this blog is modern, refreshing and VARIED. A feast for the eyes, mind and soul. It's the one I keep going back to.
Muslim Kid Genius (facebook page)
My final selection is my 'go to' place when i just want some new news and inspiration. A curated Facebook page which features loads of different articles from lots of different sources.
So that's it. I'm no pro, but I'll do what I can. Hope you discover something new that will help you too!
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